Hearing Tips

6 ways to troubleshoot your hearing aids if you...
Just like everything else in life, your hearing aids also have wear and tear. If you have issues with your hearing aids, such as you can’t hear out of your...
6 ways to troubleshoot your hearing aids if you...
Just like everything else in life, your hearing aids also have wear and tear. If you have issues with your hearing aids, such as you can’t hear out of your...

Winter Season Tips for Hearing Aids
The cold winter season is here, and the holiday season is also here! We know during this end-of-the-year holiday season, you are busier than usual. To make life easier for...
Winter Season Tips for Hearing Aids
The cold winter season is here, and the holiday season is also here! We know during this end-of-the-year holiday season, you are busier than usual. To make life easier for...

Seven Most Common Hearing Aid Rumors
Rumor #1: The more I wear my hearing aids the more I am going to rely on them, and my hearing will get worse Wearing hearing aids is like wearing...
Seven Most Common Hearing Aid Rumors
Rumor #1: The more I wear my hearing aids the more I am going to rely on them, and my hearing will get worse Wearing hearing aids is like wearing...

The 5 reasons why hearing aids fail to restore ...
Have you ever had the experience? You were satisfied and hear fine with the hearing aids in the audiologist’s office, but once you get home, Hearing aids fail to restore...
The 5 reasons why hearing aids fail to restore ...
Have you ever had the experience? You were satisfied and hear fine with the hearing aids in the audiologist’s office, but once you get home, Hearing aids fail to restore...

How to choose your custom hearing aids
Custom hearing aids come in different sizes. From the largest to the smallest, there is the in-the-ear full shell (ITE – FS), in-the-ear half shell (ITE – HS), in-the-canal (ITC),...
How to choose your custom hearing aids
Custom hearing aids come in different sizes. From the largest to the smallest, there is the in-the-ear full shell (ITE – FS), in-the-ear half shell (ITE – HS), in-the-canal (ITC),...

How to choose between BTE hearing aid and RIC h...
Since RIC hearing aid also has part of the hearing aid sitting behind the ear, some would say RIC hearing aid is also considered a BTE hearing aid. To determine...
How to choose between BTE hearing aid and RIC h...
Since RIC hearing aid also has part of the hearing aid sitting behind the ear, some would say RIC hearing aid is also considered a BTE hearing aid. To determine...

What health issues are linked to hearing loss
Hearing loss is one of the many disabilities that we know of; however, it is also one of the “invisible disabilities”, many health issues are linked to hearing loss. Invisible...
What health issues are linked to hearing loss
Hearing loss is one of the many disabilities that we know of; however, it is also one of the “invisible disabilities”, many health issues are linked to hearing loss. Invisible...

How Hearing Aids Work and Maintenance for Heari...
To understand how hearing aids work, we need to first understand the different parts of the hearing aids and their functions There are four essential components of all hearing aids...
How Hearing Aids Work and Maintenance for Heari...
To understand how hearing aids work, we need to first understand the different parts of the hearing aids and their functions There are four essential components of all hearing aids...